Years 1/2 (KS1)

Welcome to Years 1 and 2!
Class   Fox - Year 1 Beaver - Year 2
Teacher   Miss Leigh Brannigan Miss Georgina Davis
Learning Support Assistant   Mrs Natalie Davis Mrs Tina Rowland
In Year 1, our children make the exciting transition from Early Years to Key Stage One in a gradual progression towards a more formal and structured day and style of learning.  It is an opportunity to experience a breadth of education that encompasses a creative curriculum.
We encourage our children to become increasingly independent and they enjoy learning through focused tasks and structured play.  Our topics are chosen to encourage them to explore and develop their understanding of the world, grow in confidence and self-belief through creativity, while acquiring the early building blocks of learning for life.

Our children begin to develop collaborative discussion skills by engaging with high quality texts and they are provided with a variety of opportunities to practise and apply their reading and writing skills.  These well-established skills are displayed when completing the phonics screening check at the end of the year. 


Year 2 is a stimulating year with lots of positive challenges for the children.

In Year 2 our children start to become more independent learners; continuing to develop their skills in reading, writing and maths through collaboration, discussion and structured activities.  As Year 2 progresses, our children work towards preparing themselves to showcase their very best in the end-of-year statutory assessments (SATs).  We use a topic-based approach to learning which, allows all to become immersed in learning.

In maths we follow the White Rose scheme.   This has been carefully planned to develop and deepen maths fluency, reasoning and problem-solving skills.

Phonics Screening Poster + QR Codes
KS1 had a fantastic time dressing up as their favourite character from their favourite book for World Book Day. 

Wow!  Look at our amazing new seats in Y1.  They were made by Mr Taylor (Oscar and Olivia's dad) and they are a great place to sit and read a book with a friend on a beautiful sunny day!  We are going to enjoy using them now the weather is sunnier and warmer.  We love them!

Many thanks to all of the people and companies who made them possible:  Mr Taylor for making them and sourcing the donations,  the timber from Travis Perkins in Woodley, the paint from Brewers Decorator Centre in Woodley and to Mr Washington (Bella and Arthur's dad) for the tyres.  

This half term in Science, KS1 have been learning about materials. Our topic has been based around the story of the 'Three Little Pigs' and what materials would be suitable for building houses out of. This week we were looking at the best materials to make beds out of, we used Lego, cotton wool and fabric to build our beds. 

Year Two Beaver Class were having an exciting PE lesson.  The children had a chance to try out all the equipment, developing their creativity as they thought of ways to travel along the range of apparatus.

Last week, some of our KS1 children took part in a gymnastics multiskills event, organised by the School Games. The children got to try out a variety of different apparatus while they were there, including beam, high bars and floor. All the children had a fantastic time and learnt some skills to bring back to our gymnastic lessons. 

In KS1 this half term, we have started a 'Kind Hands Project'. We have created our own playground rules for the children and adults. We hope this will ensure playtimes run smoothly and happily. We each made our own handprint as a promise to try and stick to the rules that we have made. 

Our KS1 children did a fantastic Christmas performance to their Parents and families this week. It was truly magical and they sang beautifully. 

This week Year 2 took part in a Gymnastic Enrichment Programme, run by Premier Education. The focus of our session was jumping and balancing. All the children had a fantastic morning and really impressed the coach who ran the session!  

On Children in Need day, our Year Two children took the opportunity to also engage in reading for pleasure, choosing areas and positions they found the most comfortable for a good read!  This initiative has been introduced by Mrs Johnson, and superbly implemented here by Miss Davis.  The children are clearly having a fantastic time reading for pleasure.

KS1 enjoyed dressing up as superheroes for Children in Need, as a school we made over £183.00!

Yesterday morning, KS1 has a workshop linking to our topic this half term 'The History of Bearwood'. We got to look at photos, maps and school books dating back to 1955. We were very lucky to have two guest speakers, Mrs White who has worked at the school for over 20 years and Mrs Chesterman who is an ex-pupil. 

This week in PE, Year 2 started Gymnastics. We were looking at different balances on different pieces of equipment, we then tried to sequence movements and balances together. 

Fox Class enjoyed dressing up for International Attire Day.

There were lots of exciting things happening in KS1 last week! On Tuesday, we went on our local walk to the woods to look at the local landmarks and look our for signs of autumn. On Thursday some of our Year 2's went to South Lake school for a tag-rugby multi-skills festival and had a fantastic time. On Friday, we have had karaoke club with Ms Brannigan and the children sounded super! We have also introduced a cricket set at lunchtimes which has been super popular!

Fox Class have been super busy this week!

In English we have been exploring the book Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers.  We have made story maps about the book and a lost poster for the penguin.

In Maths we have been learning about greater than, less than and equal to using the symbols <, >, = to compare numbers.  We even turned the symbols into hungry crocodiles!

For Science this week we have been learning about our 5 senses.  We went on a walk around school using four of our senses.  These are some of the things we could see, hear, smell and feel.

Mrs Giles lead a fantastic Harvest assembly for KS1. Thank you to everyone that donated an item of food, which will be donated to the Wokingham Food Bank.

This week in Geography we have been learning about aerial maps. We used locational language to describe where local landmarks were in relation to where we were standing. We then drew an aerial map of our street, drawing different features on our road and then talked about the different style of houses that were on our road. 

In Maths we used the parachute to count down from 10 to 0 to launch the fox into space.  We managed to launch him high into the sky!!

In English we have been reading the story The Tiger Who Came to Tea, here we are acting out the story as Sophie and the Tiger.  First, we practised with our acting buddy and then we shared it with the class.