Classes | Badger - Year 5 | Otter - Year 5/6 | Grey Wolf - Year 6 |
Class Teacher | Miss Charlotte Cowdell | Miss Ashleigh Maaka | Mr Lloyd Marshall |
Learning Support Assistants | Ms Sandhya Rai | Ms Lauren Weaver | Miss Laila Fenton |
Through their unique personalities and drive for success, our children are challenged to reach their full potential by applying their skills and knowledge, embedding them within all areas of the curriculum. We encourage our children to take tremendous pride in their achievements and endeavour to support each other to grow as well-rounded individuals.
Years 5 and 6 are fast-paced and challenging as our children work incredibly hard to prepare themselves for the end of their primary school journey. Children in Year 6 take on many roles of responsibilities within school and participate fully in the life of the school in its wider community. As a year group they begin preparation for secondary school life, ensuring that they are inspirational role models to our younger peers.
We work hard to fully embed skills that our children have learnt during their time at the school and strive to achieve mastery approach to learning across all subject areas. Throughout the year, the children deepen their reasoning and reflective skills, showing a true understanding of how to improve and advance their learning.
Inspired by the huge breadth of skills our children have learnt on their journey through Bearwood, our children leave the school as kind, integral, and successful individuals ready to face the challenges of secondary school and adult life, becoming successful, compassionate and productive citizens.
UKS2 Home Learning - Autumn Term 1.pdf
UKS2 Autumn Term Letter.pdf
UKS2 Parent Presentation September 2024-2025.pptx
Otter Class presented their assembly to parents and the rest of UKS2. They shared what they have been learning and sang a song about the circulatory system.
Badger Class presented their assembly to parents this morning. They shared their recent learning, which included what they have been learning about the circulatory system in science; and a debate on whether we should allow children to use mobile phones in school. The children also talked about how they are all super heroes, which they of course absolutely are!
Today, some of our Year 5 and 6 football team took part in a football tournament. All the boys played very well and made it through to the semi-finals!
A big thank you to Mr Fisher and Mr Gurung for supporting the team at the tournament and Mr Bourke for his continued hard work preparing the boys during football training this half term.
Bearwood got to enjoy a brilliant Diwali assembly, put together by Tanishi and Ziyannah. It was very informative, with a child-friendly choice of images. The following children also took part: Harveen, Keelee-Rose, Summer-Rose, Eliana, Vihaana and Rishita. Tanishi also led the group to perform a Bhangra dance.
This week in UKS2 we continued with our discovery of reflection and how light travels. We learned about periscopes and how the use of mirrors allows light to "bend" which allows us to see around corners. The children had fun building their own periscope and testing it out. Afterwards, a scientific drawing was done to show how light travels through a periscope.
This week, UKS2 have been looking into writing journalistic reports, using formal language and catchy headlines for our news. We have also been investigating reflection as we continue to learn about light in science, with pupils experimenting with the reflectivity of different surfaces. In computing, pupils have been completing challenging work coding, beginning to create their own games using our knowledge and skills!