Special Educational Needs (SEN) Learning
We aim for all children with special educational needs to have access to a broad, balanced, inclusive curriculum that enables them to make progress and achieve their best.
The majority of children who have been identified as having additional needs will follow the same curriculum as the rest of the class but with adaptions to help remove any barriers to learning. Examples include having support such as shorter, more manageable tasks; visuals including pictures, diagrams and real objects; phonics / word mats, writing frames, task checklists, and extra adult in-class support.
Some children may also receive extra support through small group and one-to-one interventions with a trained learning support assistant.
SEN children will have their own individual support plan (ISP), outlining their personal targets, adaptions and interventions, which is shared and reviewed with parents / guardians three times a year.
A very small number of SEN children will have their own personalised curriculum to meet their specific learning needs. These are often children who have an Education, Health & Care Plan (EHCP) and have been given their own learning targets, curriculum and interventions after being assessed by professionals such as an Educational Psychologist, Learning Support specialist teacher and speech & language therapist.
If you wish to discuss concerns you have about your child’s learning and you think they may have additional needs, you can contact Miss Clarke (SENCO) via the office or speak to your child’s teacher.
For more detailed information, please click here to read our SEN Policy and Local Offer.