
Safeguarding is everyone's concern.

Bearwood Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and this remains at the forefront of our work.   Bearwood expects all members of the school community to share this commitment.

 The school ensures that the principles identified below are followed by all staff.

    •  All children have a right to be kept safe and protected from abuse.
    • Child abuse can occur in all cultures, religions and social classes.
    • We must be sensitive to families’ cultural and social backgrounds.
    • Children must have the opportunity to express their views and be heard.
    • If there is a conflict of interests between the child and parent, the interests of the child must be paramount.
    • The responsibility to initiate agreed procedures rests with the individual who identifies the concern.
    • All staff must endeavour to work in partnership with those who hold parental responsibility for a child.
    • Information in the context of a child protection enquiry must be treated as CONFIDENTIAL and only shared with those who need to know.

Staff are regularly trained on safeguarding and have refresher training as part of regular staff meetings. Visitors to Bearwood are advised of our safeguarding procedures and are made aware of our Mobile Phone Policy.   Pupils and parents at our school are kept updated on safeguarding initiatives, so that we are all working together to ensure the physical and emotional safety of the children in our care.
If any member of the school community has significant concerns about any child they must make them known to the Designated or Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads without delay.

Designated Safeguarding Lead: Kay Clarke

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads: Funmi Alder, Kayleigh Haden and Caroline Parry

Please find below some helpful links to information relating to the NSPCC Speak Out. Stay Safe campaign.  Click on the images.
Safeguarding Policies

We have a number of policies related to safeguarding.  Please click here to access them on our policies page.

Please click on the photographs to take you the relevant page:
Staying Safe Online

We are committed to safeguarding pupils and supporting parents so that they can help their children to make the most of digital technology and manage the challenges that often arise. Below are some links to websites that you may wish to visit to assist you in keeping your child safe online.