Bearwood PTA
Here at Bearwood Primary School we are very lucky to have an active and enthusiastic PTA that is an integral part of the school community.   

The PTA is not just about raising money, it is also there to support the school in the provision of an education that has the children at the heart of it.  The PTA, with the support of the parents and carers, is there to provide strong links between home and school, bringing the community together to support the children’s education.

All families at Bearwood are automatically members of the PTA. Together we run fundraising events and activities to raise money for educational resources. We want as many people involved as possible; whether it’s coming up with ideas, helping out, joining in or simply enjoying what’s organised, we want our fundraising efforts to also bring people together and build on the school’s fantastic community spirit. 

Each year the amount of money raised varies.   The PTA committee work with the leadership team to understand the needs of the school and adapt fundraising plans to achieve what is required.

In the past PTA fundraising has been used for:

  • Interactive teaching screens
  • Subsidising class trips and workshops
  • New reading books for the school library 

The PTA is extremely conscious of the ethos and diversity of our school, and we try very hard when organising and planning events to respect this.  We aim to deliver a calendar of events that appeal across the community, to both parents and children. 

Our PTA committee generally consists of four primary officers: Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer and Secretary.

The PTA holds meetings at least once a term, at which a representative from the school is also present.

How can I get involved?
Donate your time:  Help support the school by volunteering not only with PTA events but also within school with trips, reading with the children and other class-based occasions.  Come to the PTA meetings and share your ideas, experiences, skills and enthusiasm.  We really can’t achieve what we do without the behind the scenes help that we receive.

Use By signing up to every purchase you make online through their website means a donation for the school.  Follow the link to get started and sign up today:

Direct voluntary contributions: We welcome voluntary direct debit donations from parents and carers either via a standing order payment or via an individual one-off payment. As the Bearwood PTA is a registered charity, donating attracts Gift Aid and, for higher rate taxpayers, additional sums can be reclaimed on self-assessment tax returns and a receipt can be provided for your tax return. 

Account Name:        Bearwood PTA

Sort Code:                 306677

Account Number:    55834068

The PTA publishes regular notices in our Newsletter, giving information about their fundraising .

If you would like to contact the PTA you may email them at:

Should you wish to donate to the PTA please click the following link:

Upcoming Events......   
Watch this space!
Wow! An amazing £809 was raised at the Christmas Celebration held last Friday. Thank you once again to everyone who organised, planned and ran the event, and also to all the wonderful families who came and enjoyed the afternoon and contributed to this fabulous total! This all goes such a long way to helping us make the Bearwood experience even more special for the children.
Christmas Celebration
What an amazing Christmas Celebration! A massive thank you to our incredible PTA for creating such a memorable afternoon.   The sheer hard work of the PTA was evident - it was phenomenal, as can be seen in these photographs.
Christmas Wreath Workshop
A wonderful evening hosted by  Natalie Davis on behalf of the PTA teaching and supporting our parents, grandparents and teachers how to make beautiful wreaths.

The PTA announced the winners of the Pumpkin Competition:

 EYFS winner - Thea  KS1 - Michael G LKS2 - Eva H UKS2 - Reya S Funniest Pumpkin - Rishita

Autumn Disco 2024! 
Our Autumn Disco was a success! Thank you to everyone who helped out!
Bag 2 School! 
Thank you for all your donations! We raised over £70! 
Summer Fete 2024!
Thank you to everyone who came and supported our Summer Fete! It was a wet and windy one but still managed a great turn out! 
Winnersh Fete 2024!
A HUGE thank you to all of our helpers- without you I would not be able to hold these events.
Thank you ever so much for making it possible.
Together we raised £376.10!!! A fantastic amount of money.
Look forward to seeing everyone at our school Summer Fete on Saturday 6th July 12-3pm.
If you are able to help on a stall please contact me directly!
Every little helps!
Thank you for your continued support.