At Bearwood, we are committed to supporting children and families in their wellbeing and mental health.
What do we currently do for children’s mental health and wellbeing at our school?
- Use of the Colour Monsters and Emotions Jars to support children across the school to understand and discuss their emotions.
- Classes have a quiet space where children can go to calm down and process their emotions.
- A ‘soft start’ which promotes a calm beginning to each day.
- In KS1 we have a Twitter Tree where children can share their worries with a trusted adult.
- In KS2 classes we have a worry box or something similar for children to share their worries with a trusted adult.
- Adults provide ‘emotional check-in’s with children who need additional support.
- We have several trained Nurture Assistants who deliver Nurture groups or 1-1 sessions with children who need emotional support.
- We have nominated school council members in each class who represent their peers to give all pupils a voice in school.
- Regular assemblies and PSHE lessons which focus on mental health and wellbeing.
- We have a Positive Post-box and these messages are read out weekly in assemblies.
- Our Bearwood Bear in the Reception area is a friendly school companion who can comfort our younger children.
- We have weekly Growth Mindset awards to foster our values including resilience and determination.
- We have a positive, therapeutic behaviour approach
- We include Children’s Mental Health Week, Mental Health Awareness Week and Anti-Bullying week in the school calendar
- Extra support with transition to new classes / schools for children who find a class or school move stressful.
- Extra-curricular clubs which promote wellbeing are offered, such as dance, sports, art and music.
- Parents and carers have the opportunity to talk to class teachers on the playground at the end of each day.
- Parent / carers can make an appointment to discuss mental health and wellbeing issues with class teachers. More serious concerns can be discussed with Miss Clarke (Inclusion Lead / SENCo); or the team leader for your child's class.
- For children with mild to moderate wellbeing needs, the school can make a referral to Wokingham’s Emotional Wellbeing Hub. Parents / carers can self-refer (see support for wellbeing below).
SEND Wellbeing
These organisations can provide support to families:
Addington Outreach Family Support
Family Support - Toni Cannon an Addington School Family Support Worker is now available to offer advice, support and guidance to families of children with SEND in mainstream schools in Wokingham borough.
The Family Support Team know that coping with a family where SEND is involved is HARD WORK! There isn't a manual and there are only a certain number of hours in the day. It is the the teams role to help with questions, applications or even just a friendly chat to check in.
No questions or concerns are too small or too silly - they will always do their best to try to help.
Parenting Special Children
SENDIASS Wokingham
Me2 Club is an inclusion charity for children and young people with additional needs and disabilities in the Wokingham and Reading Boroughs. Their purpose is to tackle the social isolation and loneliness experienced by children not being able to access mainstream leisure activities. They are unique as they do not require a formal diagnosis to access support.
General Support for Mental Health & Wellbeing
NHS Video – 5 steps to wellbeing
Place2Be – useful videos and information on a range of topics
Charlie Waller
Every Mind Matters
Young Minds
Childline – toolbox for children
LGBT+ wellbeing support
Mermaids – support for trans children
Local Support
Mental Health Support Team (MHST) – for emerging, mild and moderate wellbeing/mental health concerns
Berkshire CAMHS (children & Adolescent Mental Health Services – for more urgent or emergency needs
NHS ChatHealth Wokingham
Parents and carers of children 0 - 5 Text 07312 263 283
Parents & carers of children 5 – 11 Text 07312 263194
Wokingham support for families
Practical Family Support
Citizen’s Advice
Domestic Abuse
Berkshire Women’s Aid Helpdesk - 0118 950 4003
Helpline 0808 801 0882
Cranstoun - support for adults and children who have experienced domestic abuse
Divorce & Separation
Voices in the Middle: Support for children whose parents are separating
CAFCASS – separation and divorce support
Financial support
Cost of living help
Free School Meals
Bearwood Primary is a referral agency for the Wokingham Trussell Trust foodbank. Please contact the school office for more details.
Cost of living support
Cantonese Wellbeing Support for our families from Hong Kong
Information in Cantonese for parents from Hong Kong on support available from schools, on the SEND system in the UK, and on CAMHS:
‘Mental health triage assessment’ in which their therapists will talk with a child in Cantonese and then write a letter in English that parents and schools can use to put in place support for the child. (This is free of charge, with a suggested donation)
Free or subsidised counselling for children: