Enrichment Clubs

Here at Bearwood we offer a wide variety of enrichment clubs which take place after school.

Clubs offered have included; art, chess, football, yoga and STEM. Some of the clubs are seasonal and do not run every term.

At the end of each term letters are sent home detailing the clubs on offer the following term and children are able to submit a form requesting which clubs they would like to apply for. Letters are then sent home informing them of the clubs they have been allocated.

In addition to the enrichment clubs we offer, we host Berkshire Maestros. They provide individual music lessons for a significant number of our children. Their lessons take place weekly and are booked directly with Berkshire Maestros.

Reception Class children are welcome to join enrichment clubs from Spring Term.

Clubs will only run if we have sufficient pupil numbers.

Payments for clubs are non-refundable regardless of whether the club is cancelled due to inclement weather or your child is absent due to illness.

Children who enroll in a club are expected to make a commitment to attend each week for the whole term.

Children who are participating in sports clubs will need to have their school P.E. kit and will be expected to change back in to their school uniform before leaving the school.
Rocksteady Music Lessons - Available to all Year Groups
Rocksteady is the leading provider of in-school band lessons for primary age children.

Our inclusive approach helps children find a sense of belonging through new friendships and a shared love for music, whilst boosting social skills, wellbeing and confidence. Please sign up below! or contact us for some more information.

Contact us: 


0330 113 0330

Berkshire Maestros - Individual Music Lessons Available

Berkshire Music Trust offers musical instrument and voice lessons for children and adults of all ages and abilities, in schools and music centres across Berkshire.

Lessons are offered for all instrumental families and across a wide range of styles and genres.

Have a question for us? Want to know more about what we do? Whatever your musical question or comment, we would love to hear from you. Pop on our website and fill in the form, drop us an email or pick up the phone and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can https://www.berksmusictrust.org.uk/contact-us/