Teaching, Learning and the National Curriculum

"Pupils enjoy learning about different cultures.  They have a deep understanding of fairness and equality.  Pupils value differences in other people and the opportunity to learn from them.  They are polite and respectful towards each other."  Ofsted, 2024
Teaching and Learning at Bearwood  Primary School has been developed to engage and inspire children in their learning - whether academic, creative, social or sporting. The  School’s teaching and learning philosophy ensures that children are equipped with the skills, knowledge and attitudes that will help them to succeed in life and to be considerate citizens of the world.
Bearwood Primary School is a nurturing, inclusive and happy school which promotes a love of learning in our pupils.   Everything we do is underpinned by our values and our belief in the uniqueness of every child. Through our inclusive approach, our children are taught to respect, value and learn from other cultures and faiths.
We encourage our children to have high expectations of themselves and aspire to be the very best that they can be.
National Curriculum
The National Curriculum is the framework used by all maintained schools to ensure that teaching and learning is balanced and consistent in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. It seeks to build on the learning children experienced in the Early Years Foundation Stage.

The National Curriculum sets out the subjects taught as well as the knowledge, skills and understanding required in each subject. It also provides standards or statements in each subject, used by teachers to help measure your child's progress and plan the next steps in their learning. In accordance with the law, the school curriculum meets all the requirements of the National Curriculum, plus the requirements for Religious Education set out by the local authority.

Core Subjects

Foundation Subjects




Design and Technology



Computing - this is taught as a discrete

subject and is also used to support

teaching and learning across the curriculum.              

Physical Education


Religious Education - the requirements for

Religious Education are laid down in a

locally-agreed syllabus.



Foreign Languages – Latin in KS2

At Bearwood Primary School, we believe in giving the children opportunities to try new and varied enriching activities that may not strictly fit into the curriculum, but that develop character, resilience and motivation, and encourage them to pursue wider goals as they journey through primary school.

To support and enhance this further, we are introducing ‘An Activity Passport'. The passport includes a list of twenty exciting challenges for every year group.  Most of the activities will be completed in school but there are some that can be easily enjoyed by all the family, with just a little bit of your input from home.   

The idea was first introduced by the DfE in 2018 (Department for Education) to not only encourage the academic progress of children but ensure that every child has exposure to experiences that provide enjoyment and life-long fulfilment.  This includes activities such as, reading for pleasure, being passionate about music, drama and sport, having community connections to their local area, developing an appreciation of nature and an insight into the world of work.  

You can share photos of your child completing activities with their class teachers. 

We hope your child will have a fantastic time working through the Activity Passport list, both in school and with you, as a family. Please do keep ticking off the activities throughout the years and don’t worry if your child completes something more than once – that’s just double the fun for everyone!